If you are having thoughts of suicide or otherwise harming yourself, the Veterans Crisis Line is available 24/7 by dialing 1-800-273-8255 and pressing 1 … or Texting 838255 … or Online CHAT ... or for deaf and hard of hearing 1-800-799-4889
Veterans PTSD and Substance Abuse Resource - The Recovery Village - It’s difficult to comprehend the complex combination of pride, anger, duty, anguish and anxiety many veterans feel after their time in the service. Adjusting back to civilian life in the United States is a tremendously difficult process. And while some veterans sustain only minor physical and psychological wounds from combat, others aren’t as lucky. PTSD and substance use are two of the most serious, pressing issues impacting our country’s bravest men and women. If left unaddressed, PTSD and substance abuse in veterans can be deadly. It’s time to break the stigma surrounding these conditions. Reaching out to others for help isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s proof of strength. With the right therapeutic care, veterans can get to the roots of their addiction, work through their PTSD and go on to lead the peaceful, fulfilling lives they deserve. Facilities in Colorado, Ohio, Florida & Washington.  Links provided to recovery solutions in all 50 states.
Veterans & Active Duty - National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMH) - According to a 2014 study, nearly 1 in 4 active duty members showed signs of a mental health condition. This page focuses on questions that military personnel often ask, concerning treatment resources, disclosure and staying healthy during the transition to civilian life, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), with links to many additional NAMH resources. Plus a "Go To" box that links to your state's NAMH website.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Screening Test - The most comprehensive online resource regarding PTSD I have seen. It contains a short, confidential, self-administered screening test for PTSD; then detailed information in the following 12 sections: Definition, Video: The Effects of PTSD, Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Video: What It Feels Like, Risk Factors, Treatments, Self-Care, Co-Occurring Diagnosis, Misconceptions and Finding Help.
South Florida - Veterans Substance Abuse And Mental Health Resources - Because of the high risk of addiction and mental health issues faced by veterans, access to quality resources to guide treatment is crucial. Veterans sacrifice their health and well-being to protect the safety and freedoms of the American people. Unfortunately, for many veterans, their service takes a toll on their mental health. Since many veterans encounter problems during and after their time in the military, they need access to a range of substance abuse and mental health resources. As an integral part of the South Florida community, The Recovery Village Palm Beach offers resources and treatment for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Because addiction is complex, our focused treatment aims to uncover and treat the roots of addiction, including trauma, family history and other co-occurring conditions.
Denver - Help For Veterans Struggling With Addiction - The statistics are alarming. The rate of mental illness amongst returning soldiers has steadily increased over the years, perhaps due to better diagnosis. Dealing with these issues can cause numerous problems in the life of a veteran who has returned home. Readjusting to everyday life can be very difficult and overwhelming. Turning to drugs or alcohol to numb this pain and confusion may seem like an inviting escape. The problem with this is that substance use can often turn into abuse and addiction. With addiction comes more isolation, mental illness concerns, homelessness, and increased health problems. It is a vicious cycle of negative outcomes that has been overlooked for so long.  Denver Recovery Center Addiction Blog
Understanding PTSD - a PTSD infographic for veterans that addresses what PTSD is, what the treatments are, what causes it, and what the common misconceptions about the illness are. It is on the website, the site of a law firm founded by attorney and Vietnam US Marine disabled vet, George Sink, Sr.
The Mesothelioma Fund - is owned by a small company, Patient Support, LLC and we are sponsored by the law firm known as The Patient Support Law Firm, LLC. We are a dedicated organization whose members and employees have many years of experience in assisting mesothelioma victims and their families. For more than a decade our Patient Advocates have immersed themselves in all the challenges involved in assisting those affected by mesothelioma cancer. The connections and relationships they have developed over that period of time insures that our visitors and their loved ones will have access to the best and brightest medical and legal professionals in the country.
Mesothelioma Guide - Veterans who develop mesothelioma as a result of their service in the military are entitled to benefits and assistance from the U.S. government. Veterans make up the largest group of people diagnosed with mesothelioma because asbestos was so widely used by the military. Veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma are entitled to disability compensation, pension and/or medical benefits through the VA. Surviving spouses and dependents may also qualify for compensation from the VA. Learn how you and your family can get access to these benefits with our free Veteran's Support Guide.
MesotheliomaHelp.Org For Veterans  -  Asbestos is the name given to six minerals with long, thin fibers found naturally in rocks and soil. They have been used in a wide range of military products for many decades. When these fibers are inhaled or ingested, they can cause serious asbestos-related diseases. Mesothelioma is one of them. Veterans make up approximately 30 percent of ALL U.S. cases of mesothelioma and veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of active duty are entitled to benefits from the federal government. For more formation, download the free handbook, A Patient's Guide to Mesothelioma.
Nursing Home Abuse Guide - provides the public with accurate and up to date information on the many aspects of nursing home injury and abuse. Our team strives to provide a comprehensive free resource for the public to learn more about nursing home abuse and the actions they can take to protect a loved one.
Merchant Marine Act/Jones Act - One of the most important provisions of this law is to maintain the rights of seamen on duty and to protect them in the case of injury while working. The Act mandates that seamen must be provided with adequate and reasonable food, shelter, and medical care while working aboard a maritime vessel. Employers are also expected to provide care for seamen injured on the job, whether from negligence or unseaworthiness. If that is not provided the seaman has the right, according to the Jones Act, to file a claim for damages.
What Veterans Should Know About Sleep - If you’re a veteran who struggles to obtain high-quality sleep on a regular basis, you are not alone. Veterans may face unique sleep challenges due to the nature of their training and their time in the service, whether or not they saw combat. Transitioning from military life to civilian living comes with a host of challenges, and sleep problems are quite common in veterans of all ages. This article covers what is known about veterans and sleep issues, including common sleep problems veterans suffer from and why. It will also explain the connections between PTSD and sleep problems, explain the consequences of sleep deprivation in veterans, and offer tips for veterans to get better sleep along with further resources.

The Veteran’s Guide to Creating a Peaceful At-Home Atmosphere After Returning Home - Whether you’ve spent years on a military base or a month in a combat zone, re-entering civilian society after serving in the armed forces is never easy. The excitement of returning home to your family and starting a new life can be mildly tempered by the fear of the unknown that lies ahead. And, if you are dealing with a combat injury or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), even your own home can overwhelm you. In this guide, we’ll talk about some of the most common challenges veterans face upon return and what you can do to ease them.
Do Veterans Need Medicare? - The world of veteran’s benefits can be confusing, and it can be difficult to know how much coverage you really have. Supplementing your veteran’s healthcare coverage with a Medicare plan may be a good idea, especially because Veteran’s Administration (VA) healthcare coverage can vary drastically from person to person and over time.

Learn how the different Medicare plans, TRICARE, and VA Medical Benefits work and how they all work together.
Home Modifications for Wounded Warriors - Home accessibility can mean installing wider doorways, adding wheelchair ramps, or anything else that helps someone living with a disability. For many veterans, home accessibility modifications are a necessary part of their daily lives. That's why so many government and community organizations have come together to create various resources to help with any financial or technical aspects related to home modifications.